Category Archives: Biržai Retro 2010

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Biržai Festival 2010 (video)

Category:Biržai Retro 2010,Events,Events 2010,Video

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And There Went by our Unforgettable Event…

Category:Biržai Retro 2010,Events,Events 2010

Once again, there came a day when Birzai was brought back to a postwar time. This was a beautiful day of August 7th, 2010. The town was overpopulated with classic automobile lovers who lined up to show the extraordinary cars. This beautiful day was brought in part by the classic automobile club “Klasika”, whom attracted colleagues from many of Lithuanians towns and villages. It is amazing that we received guests from “Dzukija” classic automobile club, Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, and the surrounding towns around Birzai.

The participants gathered into a pack of cars from “Baltic Petroleum” gas station and headed towards Astravas Palace. The parade consisted of 53 historical transportation vehicles, of which, 11 were motorcycles, 2 tractors, 5 trucks, and 35 cars. Participants came by the Astravas Palace and rounded up their cars for the exhibition, while the viewers and the participants could be astonished by the beauty of the architecture of the palace, which once belonged to Count Jonas Tiskevicius. Participants and the viewers were amazed by the park in Astravas Palace and the palace itself because of its astounding tower. Later the guide introduced all participants to the history of Birzai and showed the beautiful man-made lake which happens to be the oldest man-made lake in Lithuania and was made in the year 1575 by rerouting Apascia and Agluona rivers.

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