Photo Contest for the 2023 Klasika Club Calendar
Category:About,Events,Events 2022,LibraryORGANIZER
- The goal of the activity of the Antique Automobile Club Klasika is not only to preserve historic vehicles, but also to demonstrate and promote antique vehicles. One of the ways is press publications stimulating interest in historic cars and motorcycles. Every year, the Klasika club publishes a wall calendar with images of vintage motorcycles, cars, trucks and tractors in order to please antique lovers. The planned calendar of Klasika for 2023 will be the eleventh annual publication of the club, to the formation of which this year we are inviting to join the owners of antique vehicles, photo models and photographers.
- The contest will take place from May 20 to June 15. The results will be announced on June 20.
- The photographs submitted to the contest must correspond to the topic of the contest – artistic images of antique vehicles in the historical environment of their time. Only cars, motorcycles, trucks, tractors, bicycles that are original and made 40 years ago may be captured in the photographs.
- The antique vehicles may be presented with or without photo models. The clothing and the style of the clothing of an adult model to be photographed must correspond to the era of production and use of the antique vehicle.
- Only photographs that have not been published anywhere and have not been published in the media may be submitted to the contest.
- One participant may submit up to 5 photographs, the shots may not be repeated.
- Only digital photo files in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi shall be submitted, the size of pictures in pixels – at least 5000 x 4000, the photographs may be in color or black and white. The photographs must be original, without computer montages and photo manipulations.
- The composition of the submitted photographs must be horizontal, i.e. the horizontal edges of the photographs must be larger than the vertical ones.
- By submitting photographs to the contest, an entrant acknowledges and warrants that the submitted photographs are original works, without infringing on the rights and other intellectual property rights of another person or copyright, that other persons have no rights or legitimate interests in respect to these photographs.
- Photographs may not be obscene, provocative or otherwise contrary to moral norms, inciting racial, ethnic discrimination or hatred.
- The photographs must be accompanied by a description indicating: the name, model and year of manufacture of the vehicle, the name, surname (telephone, address) of the author of the photograph, the name of the photo model (if any) and other contact details.
- Please email your photographs at the following email address: klubas@klasika.us
- Entries will be evaluated taking into consideration the compliance of the photographs with the requirements of the contest, their relevance, originality of the idea, its implementation, artistic expression and technical quality of the photographs.
- The photographs of the contest will be evaluated by a commission consisting of three members of the Klasika club and two professional photographers.
- The best photograph will be selected from all the submitted ones, which will then be included in the 2023 Klasika calendar. A copyright agreement will be signed with the author and photo model of best photography.
- The winner of the contest will be announced on the website of the organizers: www.klasika.us and in the Facebook account of the Klasika club.
- The photo that won the contest will be published (printed) in the 2023 wall calendar of the Antique Automobile Club Klasika.
- All photographs submitted by the contestants will be published on the Facebook account of the Antique Automobile Club Klasika and on the club’s website: www.klasika.us.
- The author of the best photography will be awarded valuable gift and invitation to the Klasika club’s events.
- By submitting a photograph to the contest, the entrant confirms that he / she is the author of this photograph and that he / she has obtained the consent of the persons pictured in it to use this photograph in the contest.
- According to the valid legislation of the Republic of Lithuania, the person who has sent the photograph is responsible for copyright infringements.
- By submitting a photograph to the contest, the author confirms that the content of the photograph does not promote religious, national discord or otherwise violate the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
- By submitting a photo to the contest, the author automatically becomes a participant in the contest and agrees that his author’s competitive photographs will be used in the future for the communication and advertising purposes of the Antique Automobile Club Klasika.
- The organizer reserves the right to change the rules of the contest and undertakes to inform the participants about the changes.