Magazine “Klasika” – in Benediktas Vanagas hands!
Category:Events 2016Magazine “Klasika” – in Benediktas Vanagas hands! Let’s wish the racer a successful launch in Dakar Rally on January 2-14. Let us hope that this magazine, which Dalius Linkevičius and the Antique Vehicle Club “Classic” gave B. Vanagas, would become a crucial mascot to him, or at least a meaningful leisure reading…
By the way, the famous racer has driven Dalius along the training racetrack. According to D. Linkevičius, driving feeling was as though air travel, which performs higher pilotage…
Well, there is no surprise! Benediktas Vanagas has participated in Dakar Rally four times and all the times the distance completed successfully. The last 2015 Rally was the most successful for Lithuanian pilot.
So, good luck – You, Benediktas!
Briefly about the magazine “Klasika”. This is the second edition, which appeared in 2016. The first “Klasika” number was released in the summer of 2014 and became the first Lithuanian magazine on the antique vehicle topics. The editor – Egidijus Einoris.
The third “Klasika” publication will appear in 2018, on occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Antique Vehicle Club “Classic”.