The Antique Vehicle Club “Klasika”
Category:Events 2015Nature plays the strange tricks on us. The weather is so warm, so that even makes you want to pull your oldish car out of garage and … go to look for Santa Claus. You say, long way should I go? Or maybe you think that our club “Klasika” old technique would not withstand? Joke – a joke, but the holidays are approaching. And while waiting for Santa Claus, we would like to review the traditional Antique Vehicle Club “Klasika” work done, share experiences and to wish good luck…
Let me start with the fact that most of the vintage cars promoting clubs in Lithuania identify their activities only with cars and motorcycles demonstration. Maybe it is not bad, but sometimes it can be done and a bit more subtle – through the media, visual materials, publishing, advertising and educational programs. Our club “Klasika” – still the only club in Lithuania, popularizing antique vehicles among students. Last year launched an educational program in Noriūnai J.Černius’ main school (Kupiškis district.), this year, Club “Klasika” continued in Biržai. On the 26th of March, “Klasika” members visited “Aušra” secondary school, presented the club “Klasika” activities to students, showed films about the antique technique and historical heritage and answered the students and teachers questions…
And after a few days, Antique Vehicle Club “Klasika” Season opening celebration, held in Sodeliškiai manor, gathered together not only all the members of the club, but also a large crowd of respectable guests and our colleagues. This meeting was the club support evening jointly. Each participant of the festival was able to support the club “Klasika” by donation, a lottery ticket purchase or participation in an auction organized by the club. In this evening, the club “Klasika” meeting took place, which dealt with topical issues of club life.
In the spring, on 2nd of May, the auto-moto technical meeting was held for the seventh time in Pasvalys. This meeting also known as the season opening of Lithuanian antique vehicles. The event traditionally involves the club “Klasika” which did not miss the chance to appear and show its members’ antique cars this year too.
As a rule, at the beginning of summer, the club “Klasika” becomes one of the most active antique vehicle clubs in Lithuania. Not only Biržai citizens are in “Klasika”, in our lines are fans of antique vehicles from Kupiškis, Panevežys, Kaunas and Linkuva. So, not to disappoint members not living in Biržai, we decided to organise annually the exhibitions of antique vehicles in each their city. This year we started from Kupiškis. On July 11th, a large number of Antique Vehicle Club “Klasika” members’ cars went to Kupiškis folk festival “Lingaudala”. We started our visit by the parade and continued the show with the exhibition of historic cars in the city centre.
August 1st, the antique vehicle exhibition “Timeless Klasika 2015”, held along with traditional Biržai town festival, rocked again Lithuania historical technology lovers’ life. It has already become a prestigious event which annually brings together the best and the oldest cars and their owners not only from Lithuania, but also from neighboring countries. This year, Russian visitors joined our already participating guests from Latvia and Belarus. After all, it is noticed in the media that, so far, Biržai has been the most famous for castle, manors, museums and brewing traditions, in recent years, it can rightfully be called the Lithuanian capital of antique cars… This year, the historical technical festival was distinguishing not only by the abundance of exhibits, but also the variety and quality. The event was attended by 73 vintage vehicles – 4 motorcycles and 69 cars. Fifteen cars that took part in the exhibition were produced before the 2nd World War.
On September 5, Antique Vehicle Club “Klasika” was a guest in Panevežys city festival. Not only visited, but also took part in a townspeople festive procession, after that, elated everyone by an antique vehicle exhibition organized in the city centre. Panevežys House of Commons invited our club to the 512-th birthday of Highland Capital.
Annual Club “Klasika” wall calendar 2016 has already appeared. A huge team of like-minded who created, prepared, took photos, posed tried a little differently peek into automotive history and antique charm. This year, at the club “Klasika” work has contributed over many or few – more than 30 people who are not indifferent to historical cars. We are pleased that this project has managed to interest a large crowd of young people, who already a little differently assess the importance and beauty of the antique technique. It is in this annual project, completing all the work and becoming like an Antique Vehicle Club “Klasika” visiting card. And what is it, You will value!
So over the years, quite a lot has been done. Glad that Antique Vehicle Club “Klasika” is becoming not only a gathering of people interested in historical technique, but it is also promoting art, culture and history. Finally, it unites different beliefs, nationalities and political views people, changes their world outlook…
Well, let me wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Egidijus Einoris
The Antique Vehicle Club “Klasika” President
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