Category Archives: Events

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Gintautas Miškinis – The Guest of Club ,,Klasika”

Category:Timeless Classic 2013,Events 2013,Video Tags : 

Kaunas resident Gintautas Miškinis, drives Packard 333 Limousine, 1925. Love for vehicles has been accompanying him from childhood. About an antique car, he had been dreaming since he was 23 years old. He already managed to buy this historic luxury limousine only at the age of fifty years. The car had belonged to a priest in the United States for 40 years and had seen not many roads. The owner said that it rolls nicely and it is a pleasure to feel the atmosphere of those times. In the eyes of our time, these cars are quite capricious – you need to take care of leaded additives for gasoline, avoid gravelled roads and slob…

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Juris Gagainis – The Guest of Club ,,Klasika”

Category:Timeless Classic 2013,Events 2013,Video Tags : 

A stylish couple, dressed in World War II American aviation service uniforms in the military vehicle Willys MB, produced in 1943, attracted a lot of the attention in the Festival. There were Juris Gagainis, a professor of Latvian Art Academy of Design Faculty with his wife. The interview with guests revealed that the ancient technique club „Klasika” is well-known in Latvia too. The professor got interested in Biržai Festival by his colleagues who participated in the club events last year. Juris Gagainis really liked the atmosphere of celebration and honest, a lot of questioning, interested festival goers. About his military vehicle professor said that the U.S. handed a lot of such cars – war participants on the Soviet Union. But now there is not much left, although it was produced in thousands…

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Classic Year of Club „Klasika”

Category:Events,Events 2013,Articles

As every time, on the year crossing, we stop, look back, evaluate the walked way, enjoy achievements and plan future work. The year 2013 was special for Antique Vehicle Club “Klasika”. The season was started by an opening banquet, which was held in the club member Gediminas Aleksandravičius farmstead Kupiškis district. At the meeting, there were discussed the preparations for the antique technique 2013 season, welcomed new members of the club, announced the report of the club president, recalled establishment story of “Klasika”, watched documentary footage, shared the joys and downsides.
The antique vehicles event ‘We drive 2013’ has already become a tradition.

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Antique Vehicle Club „Klasika” Calendar 2014

Category:Events,Events 2013

Before Christmas, as it was last year, the antique vehicles club “Klasika” released the club calendar with images of antique technique. In 2013 calendar pages, we presented the most interesting pictures of historic cars owned by club members. This year, we have thought for a long time how to surprise and how to meet the year 2014. What to show? Cars? Again? And maybe, try to look at the club’s events and people involved in them? Maybe, look for the heart and the eye lovely artistic images?
So, after long discussions and quite a lot of preparation for the producing of “Klasika” club calendar 2014, we chose two photos themes:
1) The images of the antique vehicles club “Klasika” organised parades and exhibitions;
2) Who or What is decorating? Are girls (women) as accessories to antique vehicles, or vice versa?
We believe that the answers to these questions can be found in our new, still smelling of printer’s ink “Klasika” calendar.

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Journey to Bauska

Category:Events,Events 2013,Articles

If you are interested in vehicles, or at least drive a car, be sure to visit Bauska and museums of antique vehicles in Bauska region. It was said by the members of antique vehicles club “Klasika” and their friends when they shared their travel experiences after visiting neighbouring Latvia.
It all started this summer when “Klasika” organised an exhibition of antique vehicles in Biržai. The club members got acquainted and became close friends with their neighbours of the other Memel (Nemunėlis River) side and were invited as the guests. Each year, the club’s season ends with eventful sightseeing tours, which gives meaning to the annual activities of the club. So this year, on 12 October, it was decided to visit friends in Latvia, to share experiences, broaden horizons and curiosity. As Riga Motormuseum is currently being reconstructed, it was decided to start a trip from the museum branch in Bauska.

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Riga Retro 2013

Category:Events,Events 2013,Articles

For the eighth time the Latvian capital hosted the annual historic car exhibition “Riga Retro 2013”. This year it was sacred to the memory of Viktors Kulbergs (1948-2013) who was a long-lived director of Latvian Antique Automobile Club (AAK) and the founder of Riga Motormuseum. Every year this event changes: from preparation to demonstration of trucks, motorcycles and various antique technical in one year to only a car exhibition for the second year. This year, on August 17, the event that took place was not similar to those already held. Due solely to the fact that not everyone was able to register to the event, but only those invited by an authoritative organisers’ commission from Riga Motormuseum and Latvia Antique Automobile Club (AAK). Such a decision adopted by the organizers to show Riga townspeople and their guests the rarer and more diverse vehicles, and to prevent them from popular, in large series and still produced, everyday used car dominance.

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Antique Vehicle Show “Biržai 2013”

Category:Timeless Classic 2013,Events,Events 2013

On the 2-4th of August Biržai Town Festival was joined by Antique vehicles club “Klasika”, successfully existing for five years. In the Saturday afternoon, August 3, an impressive column of historical technical parade participants were driving along the long streets of town to Biržai Airclub.
Upon arrival to the festival, the parade participants lined up for the exhibition and really surprised everyone who knows the technique and the rest of humanity by shiny fords and cadillacs, mercedeses and skodas, as the sun yellow sports corvette, military jeeps, fire truck, antique motorcycles, tractors, steam engines and other engineering wonders, not to mention about the history replicating stylish and theatrical crews whose members had to reply to a number of exhibition visitors questions, pose for photos, give interviews according to the character image .

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Eugenijus… We Drive 2013!

Category:Events,Events 2013,Articles

The antique vehicles event ‘We drive 2013’ has already become a tradition. This year it was held in Pasvalys without the initiator and continuing organizer Eugenijus  Malinauskas. He left us unexpectedly before the festival. Eugenijus was honoured giving the title of event on his behalf.
The festival of historical technical was started by a party of the participants, sponsors and guests of honour in Balsiai Mill on the 3 May. With all its beauty and charm, it shined in Sinkholes Park on Saturday, 4 May. Not only shined perfectly restored vintage cars, motorcycles, trucks, sheen, but also the joy of ancient vehicles enthusiasts and spectators’ eyes.

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Antique Automobile Club „Klasika“ season opening party

Category:Events,Events 2013

Although outside the windows still occasionally chill nips, Antique Automobile Club „Klasika” members and friends, as if to confirm a folk proverb – „prepare wheels in winter, sledges in summer”, richly gathered to Club season 2013 opening. It was held in the Kupiškis district farmstead owned by a club member Gediminas Aleksandravičius.
The banquet was begun by „Klasika” director Egidijus Einoris who congratulated the club members Virginijus Kučinskas and Jonas Lapinskas on celebrating birthdays. On the behalf of the club, he thanked and awarded one of the club’s supporters, that a week before celebrated the 15th anniversary, an ethnographic ensemble „Siaudela” founder and its leader Jūrate Garnelienė.

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The meeting of representatives of Lithuanian antique vehicle clubs

Category:Events,Events 2013,Articles

This year, on the 16th of March, in Kaunas, there was the conference of managers of Lithuanian historical auto-motor technical. The participants discussed the concerns of the fans of historical vehicles, planned 2013 events calendar, introduced the historical technical laws realization order and perspectives.
The meeting was launched by the “Retromobile” president R. Kardelis, introducing guests from Ukraine. Lvov retro car club „ZAZ-Kozak” representatives invited everyone to the historical vehicles festival “Leopolis Grand Prix” in Lvov, on June 20-23. It is an international event sacred to commemorate the GP series (F-1’s predecessor) race held in this Western Ukrainian city, 1931-1933.
Later, the antique vehicles enthusiast Eugenijus Malinauskas made a speech, inviting not only to participate in the traditional antique technical season opening in Pasvalys, but also urging all Lithuanian clubs of antique vehicles to contribute to the organization of the event.

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